Creating a Ruby DSL
I've been in Colombia for the last month visiting family, and last week I had the opportunity to hang out with the Medellin.rb meetup. It was led by Oscar Rendon and it was all about DSLs in Ruby. It was also a fun challenge to try to think and talk about programming in Spanish... not something I do every day.
What is a DSL?
The definition from Wikipedia of what a DSL is:
A domain-specific language (DSL) is a computer language specialized to a particular application domain. This is in contrast to a general-purpose language (GPL), which is broadly applicable across domains, and lacks specialized features for a particular domain.
A DSL is like a mini language inside of a language. It's a specific syntax for describing a domain/area of your application. Think of a DSL like a mini game within a game... like when you were raising/racing Chocobos in Final Fantasy 7. A DSL in Ruby is still written in Ruby, it just provides a nicer interface and language for performing common tasks.
DSLs you have seen
You may not have realized it, but if you write Rails applications you most likely work with a variety of DSLs every day. Below are a few examples of some commons ones!
Rails Routing
Rails.application.routes.draw doroot 'pages#home'resources :pages, only: [:index, :show]end
describe Array dodescribe "includes_subset?" doit "finds subsets" doa = [1,2,3,4,5]b = [1,2]expect(a.includes_subset?(b)).to eq(true)endendend
Rake Tasks
namespace :backup dodesc "Backup assets"task :assets => :environment dotar_assetsendend
role :app, %w{deploy@localhost}server 'localhost',user: 'deploy',roles: %w{app},ssh_options: {keys: %w(/home/deploy/.ssh/id_rsa),auth_methods: 'publickey'}
DB Migrations
class CreateUploads < ActiveRecord::Migrationdef changecreate_table :uploads do |t|t.string :namet.attachment :filet.timestampsendendend
Blocks Are Key to DSLs
Knowing how blocks work is crucial to understanding how DSLs work. I think of a block in Ruby as basically just a chunk of code that you can pass around to other methods. If you're used to writing Javascript you're definitely comfortable passing around functions, and blocks in Ruby are fairly similar to that.
double = ->(num) {num * 2}puts 4
Passing Blocks
You've most likely used blocks before when calling the each
method on an Array, or the collect
[1, 2, 3].each do |item|puts item * 2end# 2, 4, 6
What you are doing is passing the block of code between do
and end
to the each
method of the Array class.
Receiving Blocks
On the recipients side, there are a couple ways to receive the block that was passed. The first way is via the yield
keyword in Ruby. yield
will call the block of code that was passed to the method. You can even pass variables to the block of code.
class Arraydef eacharray_size = self.size - 1for i in 0..array_sizeyield self[i]endendend
There is an alternate way of receiving a block of code that is called a named-block. This essentially allows you to save the block of code to a variable, which gives you the flexibility to pass the block on to another method. If you wish to execute the code inside of the block, you can do so via the call
method on it.
class Arraydef each(&block)array_size = self.size - 1for i in self[i]endendend
Block Context
Normally a block has the context of the place it was instantiated. It is possible to change this, to be the place where it is being called, but to do this instead of doing the usual yield
, you call it via the instance_eval(&block)
class Dummydef initialize@name = "Inside"enddef print_name(&block)# Has outside Has inside contextinstance_eval(&block)endend@name = "Outside" doputs @nameend# Outside# Inside
Creating our own DSL
In the Medellín Ruby meetup we finished things up by doing a Code Kata. In groups of 3 we tried to create a Ruby DSL to generate HTML. The output was to look like the following, and below is how the DSL should be called. To each HTML element you can pass text, options (html attributes), and a block. All are optional.
<html><body><div id="container"><ul class="pretty"><li class="active">Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li></ul></div></body></html>
output = dobody dodiv id: "container" doul class: "pretty" doli "Item 1", class: :activeli "Item 2"endendendend
The solution I eventually came up with (after some serious refactoring) is below. I used some Ruby meta-programming by not actually defining methods for each HTML element, but rather utilizing method_missing
as a catch-all, which then passes the element name, the args, and the block on to the tag
method, which does the heavy lifting of generating the HTML.
One other thing I utilized here was that you can also check if a block was actually passed to the method by using the block_given?
class FancyMarkupattr_accessor :indents, :htmldef initialize@indents = 0@html = ""end# Catch-all method to avoid creating methods# for each HTML element.def method_missing(m, *args, &block)tag(m, args, &block)end# The first method called when creating an# HTML document.def document(*args, &block)tag(:html, args, &block)endprivate# Create the HTML tag# @param (String|Symbol) HTML tag (ul, li, strong, etc...)# @param (Array) Can contain a String of text or a Hash of attributes# @param (Block) An optional block which will further nest HTMLdef tag(html_tag, args, &block)content = find_content(args)options = html_options(find_options(args))html << "\n#{indent}<#{html_tag}#{options}>#{content}"if block_given?@indents += 1instance_eval(&block)@indents -= 1html << "\n#{indent}"endhtml << "</#{html_tag}>"end# Searching the tag arguments, find the text/context element.def find_content(args)args.detect{|arg| arg.is_a? String}end# Searching the tag arguments, find the hash/attributes elementdef find_options(args)args.detect{|arg| arg.is_a? Hash} || {}end# Indent output number of spacesdef indent" " * indentsend# Build html options string from Hashdef html_options(options)options.collect{|key, value|value = value.to_s.gsub('"', '\"')" #{key}=\"#{value}\""}.join("")endend
Final Thoughts
After writing this article I've realized just how important blocks are to Ruby. Learning them well and understanding how DSLs work will improve the Ruby code that you write. One new thing I learned at the Medellín meetup was how to switch the context in which the block executes in, which allows you to avoid having to pass self
to the block and then having to call all methods with a prefix, like we do when creating a Rails DB migration (Example: t.string :name
Last but not least, the Ruby community is awesome! Thanks!!