Leaflet Marker Clustering
Performance can begin to degrade pretty quickly when you are trying to show large amounts of data on a map. Even at hundreds of markers…
READ MOREPerformance can begin to degrade pretty quickly when you are trying to show large amounts of data on a map. Even at hundreds of markers…
READ MOREPerformance can begin to degrade pretty quickly when you are trying to show large amounts of data on a map. Even at hundreds of markers…
READ MOREPerformance can begin to degrade pretty quickly when you are trying to show large amounts of data on a map. Even at hundreds of markers…
READ MORERedux has been the go-to way to manage state within your React application for years. It's popularity is due in large part because when it…
READ MORESWR is a great package from Zeit to help make it easier to fetch remote data with hooks. It is based on the stale-while-revalidate RFC…
READ MOREuseEffect is meant to handle any sort of "side effect" (making a change in some external system, logging to the console, making an HTTP…
READ MOREIn this article we'll take a look at how to handle async code in React Testing Library, specifically at how to test and mock a call using…
READ MOREIn this article we'll see how to fire and test events in our React components using the React Testing Library. With React Testing Library it…
READ MOREReact Testing Library is an amazing yet simple testing library from Kent Dodds . It works alongside the testing library Jest to provide…
READ MOREWith React 16.7 we were introduced to hooks . A way to allow things like state, refs, and lifecycle functions to live inside functional…
READ MORESo you've updated your React code to use GraphQL, but there's those 2 RESTful API endpoints that you still have to integrate with... what do…
READ MOREReact gets its name from being reactive to changes in your data. When data changes, the UI reacts to those changes to re-render the page to…
READ MOREGraphQL is an amazing new(ish) paradigm for communicating with APIs, made popular by Facebook but since then used by many companies…
READ MOREData comes in all sorts and sizes, and one of the key skills a developer can have is how to convert it into the required format and shape…
READ MOREIn our tests we don't want to perform an actual HTTP request. To start with it is slow, but there are certain calls you really can't make…
READ MOREIn this article below we will test a component which runs asynchronous code inside of its componentDidMount lifecycle event. We'll look at…
READ MOREThe new React Context API is touted (at least on Twitter and a number of articles) as solving the need to use a state management tool…
READ MOREError boundaries were introduced in React 16.2 and provide a sort of declarative try/catch pattern for you to handle errors which occur…
READ MOREIn this article we'll look at how to get up and running with testing React in a create-react-app . We'll look at how to configure your…
READ MOREReact Motion is an animation library loved within the React community. I have to say that having some experience with libraries like GSAP…
READ MOREIn this article/video we'll start with a simple React app made with create-react-app that uses component state (setState) as its state…
READ MOREI've always loved MobX because of it's lack of boilerplate in comparison to Redux. It just seems so effortless to modify state... so how…
READ MORECurrently there are 3 distinct ways of using refs in React. A ref gives you access to the underlying DOM element. This is especially…
READ MOREMobX State Tree takes something which is awesome (MobX) and brings it to the next level. You can now define your own typed models, made up…
READ MOREYou do not have to eject from create-react-app to get support for decorators and other babel plugins. MobX works fantastic with decorators…
READ MORECreate React App is a great way to get up and running with React. It comes configured with sane defaults which are great for most people…
READ MOREIn this video tutorial I show how to get up and running with Mobx in a React app. We will go from create-react-app all that way to having…